Research interests
My research interests are in theoretical high energy particle physics. The interpretation of experiments with particle beams
at the colliders: the LHC at CERN, RHIC in BNL
and HERA at DESY (in the past) requires
the use of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) - the basic theory of the strong interactions.
My studies aim at the understanding of mechanisms of the strong interactions. In particular, I work on
- experimental signatures of parton saturation
- nonlinear evolution equations in QCD
- multiparton scattering
seminal paper on parton saturation, written together with Mark Wuesthoff,
has become classics in the field of high density QCD, being
more than 1000 times.
My PhD students
- Sebastian Sapeta (now at IFJ PAN, Kraków)
Effects of quantum chromodynamics in the high energy limit in particle collisions, UJ, Kraków, 2008
Agnieszka Łuszczak (now at Cracow University of Technology)
The analysis of diffractive processes in electron-proton and proton-proton collisions, IFJ PAN, Kraków, 2010
- Emilia Lewandowska
Processes with a hard scale at the LHC as a signature of partonic structure of the proton, IFJ PAN, Kraków, 2015