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We have discovered a bug in KORALZ. It affects next to leading log effects at most. Most severely events with hard high pT photons which can match radiative return to Z configurations. I will know more about significance of this bug later.

So far I do not see any distribution where it contributes significantly. That is why it was so difficult to spot. Definitely the size of the effect was far smaller than the warning message from within the program was indicating. I mean the message:

 *              possible loss of precision !!!!!!                          *
 *                       VVMAX too close to 1D0 ?                          *
 *              reduce VVMAX in KORALZ parameters!                         *
 *                   it will faster program also !                         *
 *              WTMAX too small ?                                          *
 *              Increase it in SUBROURTINE MODEL!                          *
 *              MANY events of negative weights?                           *
 *              Contact JADACH at CERNVM,                                  *
 *              But check folowing weights first                           *
 *         ratio averwt(id=70)/averwt(id=79)                               *
 *         measures severity of error                                      *
The bug affects however stability of the generation. Once removed, program works much better and in particular under/overweighted events as well as the above warning messages disappear.

Best greetings Zbyszek Was

Here is affected but now corrected routine:

C     ***************************************************************
C Provides elements of beta0,             
C for transparency reasons the full reduction of momenta is done.
C     *********************************** 
      SAVE   / KEYYFS /
      DIMENSION XX(*),P1(*),P2(*),Q1(*),Q2(*)                
      DIMENSION PR1(4),PR2(4),QR1(4),QR2(4)                  
      CALL REDUZ0(XX,P1,P2,PR1,PR2)       
      CALL REDUZ0(XX,Q1,Q2,QR1,QR2)       
      CALL GTHET0(PR1,QR1,COSTH1)         
      COSTH  = (PR1(1)*QR1(1) +PR1(2)*QR1(2) +PR1(3)*QR1(3)) 
     $            /SQRT((QR1(1)**2 +QR1(2)**2 +QR1(3)**2)    
     $                 *(PR1(1)**2 +PR1(2)**2 +PR1(3)**2))   
      SVAR1  = XX(4)**2-XX(3)**2-XX(2)**2-XX(1)**2
C ZW 03.03.97 here was bug 
C      SVAR1  = XX(4)**2-XX(3)**2-XX(2)-XX(1)**2              
      ANDIS  = BORNV (SVAR1,COSTH )       
      CALL BVIRT0(P1,P2,DELI1,DELI2)      
      CALL BVIRT0(Q1,Q2,DELF1,DELF2)      
C ...Initial/final state bremsstrahlung switches             
      KEYBIN  = MOD(KEYBRM,10)            
      KEYBFI  = MOD(KEYBRM,100)/10        
      DELI1   = DELI1*KEYBIN              
      DELI2   = DELI2*KEYBIN              
      DELF1   = DELF1*KEYBFI              
      DELF2   = DELF2*KEYBFI              

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