Supplementary material for benchmarking tauola-bbb package [1]. MC-tester [2] format used:

List of MC-Tester produced benchmark root-files is given below.

  1. Root-file produced by MC-Tester with official TAUOLA initialization form 2009 and output of its construction run
  2. Root-file produced by MC-Tester with CLEO initialization used in TAUOLA-bbb and output of its construction run
  3. Root-file produced by MC-Tester with BaBar initialization of TAUOLA-bbb and output of its construction run
  4. Root-file produced by MC-Tester in BaBar environment from BaBar production files.

List of comparison pdf's from MC-Tester analysis.

  1. Pdf with MC-Tester comparison of 10M samples from 2009 TAUOLA and CLEO initialization in tauola-bbb
  2. Pdf with MC-Tester comparison of 1,6 Bilion samples from BaBar environment of TAUOLA and BaBar initialization of TAUOLA-bbb

[1]M. Chrzaszcz, T. Przedzinski, Z. Was and J. Zaremba, ''TAUOLA of tau lepton decays-- framework for hadronic currens, matrix elements and anomalous decays,'' arXiv:1609.04617 [hep-ph]
[2]N. Davidson, P. Golonka, T. Przedzinski and Z. Was, ''MC-TESTER v. 1.23: A Universal tool for comparisons of Monte Carlo predictions for particle decays in high energy physics,'' Comput. Phys. Commun. 182, 779 (2011), doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2010.11.023, [arXiv:0812.3215 [hep-ph]].
[3] I. Antcheva et al., ''ROOT: A C++ framework for petabyte data storage, statistical analysis and visualization,'' Comput. Phys. Commun. 180, 2499 (2009), doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2009.08.005, [arXiv:1508.07749 []].

last modified 18.03.2018