I am a theoretical particle physicist based at Instytut Fizyki Jadrowej Polskiej Akademii Nauk (IFJ-PAN). I am a head of the department of The Theoretical Particle Physics at IFJ PAN I recived my Ph.D in Physics from University of Hamburg, Germany in 2006. After that I worked at DESY Hamburg (2006-2009), University of Antwerpen (Belgium, 2009-2010), and from 2011 I am at IFJ-PAN. My research interests centre on particle physics, especially on Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) which is a theory describing properties of basic building blocks of hadronic matter i.e. quarks and gluons. This theory is also a basic tool which is used to set up initial conditions for collisions of protons and ions at colliders like LHC, RHIC. It also allows to calculate properties of hadronic final states produced during collision. My main interest at the moment is the study of the high-energy behavior of cross section in high-density QCD as studied in Large Hadron Collider at CERN. In particular the interesting feature of gluon density at high energies is gluon saturation i.e. a state of system of gluons where gluon occupancy number is high and gluons start to overlap. I am also interested in the phenomenon of jet quenching in heavy ion collisions. Together with my collabolators Wiesław Płaczek and Robert Straka we solved evolution equation for distribution of soft gluons in Quark Gluon Plasma. Recently together with my collaborators I published a paper on production of forward-forward dijets which shows description of data for dijet production following from interplay of saturation and Sudakov effects. Here is a popularized press note on our result (for polish open this link). Furthermore the crucial element needed for succesful description of the data was constructed by me and my collaborators: Piotr Kotko, Andreas van Hameren, Sebastian Sapeta, Cyrille Marquet, Elena Petreska new factorization formula Improved Transversal Momentum Dependent factorization. |