
Information about lectures

Quantum Field Theory

Thursdays, 9:00 - 10:30, April-June 2024 (8 lectures)

First lecture: 4th April 2024, room MSD

Rene Poncelet and Sebastian Sapeta (IFJ PAN)

In this lecture, we will present the path from the foundations of Quantum Field Theory to its applications in particle physics. Starting from Lagrangian, we shall construct perturbation theory, define a cross-section, and arrive at Feynman rules for scalar theory, Quantum Electrodynamics, and Quantum Chromodynamics. Then, we will use those tools to perform step-by-step calculations of basic scattering processes at tree level and one loop.

The lecture will be given on a blackboard and address PhD students, postdocs, and all researchers interested in systematizing their knowledge of QFT. Weekly exercises and solutions are also provided to review the lecture content. It assumes familiarity with quantum mechanics and special relativity. All the remaining prerequisites, i.e., relativistic quantum mechanics and classical field theory, will be reviewed during the lecture.

Exercise Sheets

Exercise 1: Hamiltonian and Feynman propagator

To be returned 11th April 2024 Download PDF

Exercise 2: Interaction Picture

To be returned 25th April 2024 Download PDF

Exercise 3: Wick's theorem

To be returned 16th May 2024 Download PDF

Exercise 4: Cross sections

To be returned 27th May 2024 Download PDF