
talks given at conferences, workshops, working groups and institutional seminars


Flavoured jets and how to define them

2025.01.15, Cracow, Epiphany, website, slides

Precision calculations for heavy-quark production

2024.10.09, Freiburg, QCD@LHC24, website, slides

Precision Predictions for Polarized Electroweak Bosons

2024.07.19, Prague, ICHEP 24, website, poster

Polarized predictions in diboson final states

2024.05.09, Rome, SM@LHC, website, slides

Precise polarisation predictions

2024.02.28, Izmir, COMETA 1st General Meeting, website, slides

High precision prediction for multi-scale processes at the LHC

2024.01.08, Cracow, Epiphany, website, slides

N(N)LO 3-jet predictions

2023.07.10, FermiLab (remote), SM@LHC, website, slides

NNLO QCD corrections to event-shapes at the LHC

2023.05.30, Crieff, RadCor, website, slides

Precision phenomenology with multi-jet final states at the LHC

2023.03.30, MSU, DIS, website, slides

NNLO QCD corrections to W+2 b-jet production

2022.11.28, Paris, QCD@LHC, website, slides

Jet calculations with the Sector-improved residue subtraction scheme

2022.09.21, Newcastle, HP2, website, slides

Precision comparisons between theory and data in ttbar production at the LHC

2022.09.05, Durham, TOP, website, slides

Polarization modelling in MBI processes / Precision Predictions for Polarized Electroweak Bosons

2022.08.22, Shanghai (remote), MBI, website, slides

Progress on precision QCD calculations

2022.05.19, Taipei (remote), LHCP, website, slides

Status of (N)NNLO calculations

2022.04.13, CERN, SM@LHC, website, slides

NNLO QCD corrections for three-jet production

2022.03.24, La Thuile, Moriond, website, slides

NNLO QCD predictions for 2 to 3 processes

2021.05.21, Tallahassee (remote), RadCor+LoopFest, website, slides

NNLO QCD corrections to top-quark production and decay

2020.09.14, Durham (remote), TOP, website, slides

NNLO QCD calculations with the Sector-improved residue subtraction scheme

2020.01.10, Cracow, Epiphany, website, slides

Towards 2 -> 3 NNLO QCD calculations

2019.09.10, Avignon, RadCor, website, slides

State-of-the-art precision calculations for top quark production and decay

2019.05.16, Puebla, LHCP, website, slides

Top production at the LHC

2019.04.09, Torino, DIS, website, slides

NNLO QCD top quark pair production and decay

2018.09.17, Bad Neuenahr, TOP, website, slides

NNLO predictions for top-quark pair production with leptonic final states

2018.07.19, MSU, LoopFest, website, slides

Towards top-quark pair production and decay at NNLO QCD

2017.09.27, St. Gilgen, RadCor, website, slides

Improvements of the sector-improved residue subtraction scheme

2017.08.29, Debrecen, QCD@LHC, website, slides

Polarised amplitudes for top quark pair production at NNLO

2017.03.27, Muenster, DPG, website, slides

NLO event generation with the (MC)3 sampling algorithm

2016.03.01, Hamburg, DPG, website, slides


Robust estimates of theoretical uncertainties at fixed-order in perturbation theory

2025.02.21, Cambridge, Cavendish-DAMTP seminar, slides

Precision phenomenology with heavy-flavour jets at the LHC

2024.07.01, Münster, University of Münster, slides

Precision phenomenology with the sector-improved residue subtraction scheme

2024.06.27, Dresden, Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics seminar, slides

Techniques and phenomenology of NNLO QCD calculations for LHC processes

2024.04.15, Hamburg, DESY Theory seminar, slides

Precision phenomenology with heavy-flavour jets at the LHC

2024.04.09, Warsaw, NCBJ, slides

Techniques and phenomenology of cutting-edge higher-order calculations for LHC processes

2023.12.18, Goettingen, Georg-August University, slides

Techniques and phenomenology of cutting-edge higher-order calculations for LHC processes

2023.12.15, Cracow, AGH, slides

Precision phenomenology with heavy-flavour jets at the LHC

2023.12.05, Cracow, Jagellonian University, slides

High-precision calculations for W+charm at the LHC

2023.11.02, DESY Zeuthen, slides

Precision phenomenology with heavy-flavour jets at the LHC

2023.10.23, CERN, QCD seminar, slides

Precision Predictions for Polarized Electroweak Bosons

2023.10.12, Cracow, IFJ theory division seminar, slides

Precision phenomenology with multi-jet final states at the LHC

2023.09.22, Milano Bicocca, slides

Precision phenomenology with multi-jet final states at the LHC

2023.03.22, Torino, INFN, slides

Precision phenomenology with multi-jet final states at the LHC

2023.03.20, Cracow, IFJ theory division seminar, slides

Precision Predictions for Polarized Electroweak Bosons

2023.01.19, Wuerzburg, slides

NNLO QCD corrections to W+2 b-jet production

2022.09.27, Zuerich, UZH, slides

Tasty jets at the LHC

2022.07.01, Munich, MPI, slides

Jets at the LHC: a fixed order perspective

2022.05.17, Freiburg, slides


2022.02.04, Cambridge, Cavendish-DAMPT, slides

Jets at the LHC: a fixed order perspective

2021.10.25, University of Sussex, slides

NNLO QCD predictions for 2 to 3 processes

2021.06.18, CERN (remote), QCD-seminar, slides

Three photon production at the LHC: Amplitudes and Phenomenology

2020.02.19, Milano Bicocca, slides

Three photon production at the LHC: Amplitudes and Phenomenology

2020.02.13, Oxford, slides

Spin correlation in top-quark pair production in the ’precision’-era of the LHC

2019.07.01, Dortmund, slides

Fixed-order predictions for top-quark pair production and decay at the LHC

2019.05.16, Cambridge, Cavendish-DAMPT, slides

Improvements of the sector-improved residue subtraction scheme

2018.03.20, Zuerich, ETH, slides

NNLO QCD calculations with the sector-improved residue subtraction scheme

2017.11.30, Wuerzburg, slides

Improvements of the sector-improved residue subtraction scheme

2017.11.21, Freiburg, slides


Precision Predictions for Polarized Electroweak Bosons

2025.03.07, Amsterdam, NIKHEF slides

Precision QCD phenomenology for multi-scale processes at the Large Hadron Collider

2024.04.25, Cracow, IFJ PAN slides

Jet identification and flavoured jet algorithms

2023.04.18, Aachen, RTG colloquium, slides


High precision prediction for multi-scale processes at the LHC

2024.11.05, Pohang, APCTP Workshop on Precision Calculation and Collider Phenomenology, website, slides

Polarisation computations in the STRIPPER framework

2024.09.23, Toulouse (remote), COMETA workshop on vector-boson polarisation, website, slides

Fixed Order as a proxy to realistic LHC observables?

2024.09.04, Aspen Center for Physics, Tightening the Gap Between Scattering Amplitudes and Events at the LHC at Higher Orders, black-board, website,

STRIPPER subtraction scheme

2024.08.28, CERN, Frontiers in precision phenomenology: Resummation, Amplitudes, and Subtraction, black-board, website,

Fixed-order calculations with massive quarks

2023.11.30, Edinburgh, Heavy Flavour At High PTs, website, slides

High precision prediction for multi-scale processes at the LHC

2023.11.22, Cracow, 2PiNTS, website, slides


2023.06.16, Les Houches, website, slides

Flavour anti-kT

2023.06.14, Les Houches, website, slides

Precision predictions for jet rates

2021.05.31, CERN (remote), Jets And Their Substructure, website, slides

working groups


2024.05.20, LHCb flavoured jets public meeting, website, slides

VLVL: Precision Predictions for Polarized Electroweak Bosons

2024.01.17, COMETA online meeting WG1, slides

Isolated photon production in association with a jet pair through next-to-next-to-leading order in QCD

2023.05.26, ATLAS PDF Forum (remote), slides


2022.12.13, CMS TOP WG (remote), slides

Combined tt and tW analyses

2022.11.17, ATLAS TOP WG (remote), slides

Infrared-safe flavoured anti-kT jets

2022.05.13, ATLAS PDF Forum (remote), slides

NNLO QCD predictions for jet observables

2022.02.24, CMS hadronic workshop, slides

NNLO predictions for three-jet cross sections at the LHC

2022.02.15, LHC EW WG general meeting, slides

NNLO predictions for three-jet cross sections at the LHC

2021.11.29, LHC EW WG, slides

Predictions for ttbar differential cross sections

2019.11.20, CMS TOP WG, slides

NNLO predictions for t tbar spin correlations

2018.11.21, CERN TOP WG, slides

t tbar production and decay at NNLO QCD

2016.08.30, Bad Honnef, GK report week, slides

public engagement

Normalising Flows for Phasespace Integration
2024.05.17, Cracow, IFJ Open Day/Science Night, poster

Exploring Quantum Effects at the Terascale
2023.05.26, Cambridge, Isaac Newton Trust brunch, slides


Spin correlation in top-quark pair production
2022.07.21, CERN, collider cross-talk, slides

Precision Top-Quark Physics with Leptonic Final States
2018.09.24, Aachen, my PhD defense, slides