
all scientific publications: journal articles, pre-prints, community papers

See also InspireHEP


  1. Open B production at hadron colliders in NNLO+NNLL QCD
    Michał Czakon ,  Terry Generet ,  Alexander Mitov ,  and  Rene Poncelet
    Nov 2024
  2. Quark mass effects in Higgs production
    Michał Czakon ,  Felix Eschment ,  Marco Niggetiedt ,  Rene Poncelet ,  and  Tom Schellenberger
    JHEP 10 210, Nov 2024
  3. Les Houches 2023: Physics at TeV Colliders: Standard Model Working Group Report
    J. Andersen ,  and  others
    In Physics of the TeV Scale and Beyond the Standard Model: Intensifying the Quest for New Physics , Jun 2024
  4. High-precision prediction for multi-scale processes at the LHC
    Rene Poncelet
    In 30th Cracow Epiphany Conference on on Precision Physics at High Energy Colliders: dedicated to the memory of Staszek Jadach , May 2024
  5. Top-Bottom Interference Contribution to Fully Inclusive Higgs Production
    Michał Czakon ,  Felix Eschment ,  Marco Niggetiedt ,  Rene Poncelet ,  and  Tom Schellenberger
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 21 211902, May 2024
  6. Measurement of the production cross section for a W boson in association with a charm quark in proton–proton collisions at \sqrts = 13\,\hbox TeV
    Armen Tumasyan ,  and  others
    Eur. Phys. J. C 84 27, May 2024
  7. HighTEA: high energy theory event analyser
    Michał Czakon ,  Zahari Kassabov ,  Alexander Mitov ,  Rene Poncelet ,  and  Andrei Popescu
    J. Phys. G 51 11 115002, May 2024


  1. Isolated photon production in association with a jet pair through next-to-next-to-leading order in QCD
    Simon Badger ,  Michał Czakon ,  Heribertus Bayu Hartanto ,  Ryan Moodie ,  Tiziano Peraro ,  Rene Poncelet ,  and  Simone Zoia
    JHEP 10 071, May 2023
  2. NNLO QCD corrections to event shapes at the LHC
    Manuel Alvarez ,  Josu Cantero ,  Michal Czakon ,  Javier Llorente ,  Alexander Mitov ,  and  Rene Poncelet
    JHEP 03 129, May 2023
  3. A detailed investigation of W+c-jet at the LHC
    Michał Czakon ,  Alexander Mitov ,  Mathieu Pellen ,  and  Rene Poncelet
    JHEP 02 241, May 2023
  4. NNLO B-fragmentation fits and their application to t\overlinet production and decay at the LHC
    Michał Czakon ,  Terry Generet ,  Alexander Mitov ,  and  Rene Poncelet
    JHEP 03 251, May 2023
  5. Infrared-safe flavoured anti-k_T jets
    Michal Czakon ,  Alexander Mitov ,  and  Rene Poncelet
    JHEP 04 138, May 2023


  1. Precision comparisons between theory and data in t\bart-production at the LHC
    Rene Poncelet
    In 15th International Workshop on Top Quark Physics , Dec 2022
  2. Report of the Topical Group on Top quark physics and heavy flavor production for Snowmass 2021
    K. Agashe ,  and  others
    Sep 2022
  3. Flavour anti-k_\textT algorithm applied to Wb\barb production at the LHC
    Heribertus Bayu Hartanto ,  Rene Poncelet ,  Andrei Popescu ,  and  Simone Zoia
    Sep 2022
  4. Next-to-next-to-leading order QCD corrections to Wbb\textasciimacron production at the LHC
    Heribertus Bayu Hartanto ,  Rene Poncelet ,  Andrei Popescu ,  and  Simone Zoia
    Phys. Rev. D 106 7 074016, Sep 2022
  5. Angular coefficients in \hbox W+\hbox j production at the LHC with high precision
    Mathieu Pellen ,  Rene Poncelet ,  Andrei Popescu ,  and  Timea Vitos
    Eur. Phys. J. C 82 8 693, Sep 2022
  6. W+c-jet production at the LHC with NNLO QCD accuracy
    Michal Czakon ,  Alexander Mitov ,  Mathieu Pellen ,  and  Rene Poncelet
    SciPost Phys. Proc. 7 035, Sep 2022
  7. Polarised W+j production at the LHC: a study at NNLO QCD accuracy
    Mathieu Pellen ,  Rene Poncelet ,  and  Andrei Popescu
    JHEP 02 160, Sep 2022


  1. NNLO QCD study of polarised W^+W^- production at the LHC
    Andrei Popescu ,  and  Rene Poncelet
    PoS LHCP2021 211, Sep 2021
  2. Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order Study of Three-Jet Production at the LHC
    Michal Czakon ,  Alexander Mitov ,  and  Rene Poncelet
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 15 152001, Sep 2021
    [Erratum: Phys.Rev.Lett. 129, 119901 (2022), Erratum: Phys.Rev.Lett. 129, 119901 (2022)]
  3. NNLO QCD corrections to diphoton production with an additional jet at the LHC
    Herschel A. Chawdhry ,  Michal Czakon ,  Alexander Mitov ,  and  Rene Poncelet
    JHEP 09 093, Sep 2021
  4. Two-loop leading-colour QCD helicity amplitudes for two-photon plus jet production at the LHC
    Herschel A. Chawdhry ,  Michal Czakon ,  Alexander Mitov ,  and  Rene Poncelet
    JHEP 07 164, Sep 2021
  5. NNLO QCD study of polarised W^+W^- production at the LHC
    Rene Poncelet ,  and  Andrei Popescu
    JHEP 07 023, Sep 2021
  6. B-hadron production in NNLO QCD: application to LHC t \overlinet events with leptonic decays
    Micha L. Czakon ,  Terry Generet ,  Alexander Mitov ,  and  Rene Poncelet
    JHEP 10 216, Sep 2021
  7. Two-loop leading-color helicity amplitudes for three-photon production at the LHC
    Herschel A. Chawdhry ,  Michal Czakon ,  Alexander Mitov ,  and  Rene Poncelet
    JHEP 06 150, Sep 2021
  8. NNLO QCD predictions for W+c-jet production at the LHC
    Michał Czakon ,  Alexander Mitov ,  Mathieu Pellen ,  and  Rene Poncelet
    JHEP 06 100, Sep 2021
  9. NNLO QCD corrections to leptonic observables in top-quark pair production and decay
    Michal Czakon ,  Alexander Mitov ,  and  Rene Poncelet
    JHEP 05 212, Sep 2021


  1. NNLO QCD Calculations with the Sector-improved Residue Subtraction Scheme
    Rene Poncelet
    Acta Phys. Polon. B 51 6 1503–1514, Sep 2020
  2. NNLO QCD corrections to three-photon production at the LHC
    Herschel A. Chawdhry ,  Micha L. Czakon ,  Alexander Mitov ,  and  Rene Poncelet
    JHEP 02 057, Sep 2020


  1. Single-jet inclusive rates with exact color at \mathcalO ( α_s^4 )
    Michał Czakon ,  Andreas Hameren ,  Alexander Mitov ,  and  Rene Poncelet
    JHEP 10 262, Sep 2019
  2. Higher order corrections to spin correlations in top quark pair production at the LHC
    Arnd Behring ,  Michal Czakon ,  Alexander Mitov ,  Andrew S. Papanastasiou ,  and  Rene Poncelet
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 8 082001, Sep 2019


  1. Sector-improved residue subtraction: Improvements and Applications
    Arnd Behring ,  Michal Czakon ,  and  Rene Poncelet
    PoS LL2018 024, Sep 2018
  2. Precision Top-Quark physics with leptonic final states
    René Poncelet
    RWTH Aachen U. , Sep 2018
  3. Polarized double-virtual amplitudes for heavy-quark pair production
    L. Chen ,  M. Czakon ,  and  R. Poncelet
    JHEP 03 085, Sep 2018