Top-quark pair production and decay

Higher-order corrections to top-quark production and their decays

NNLO QCD corrections to top-quark pair production and decay

Since their discovery in high energy collisions at the Tevatron collider more than twenty years ago, top quarks constitute an essential pillar of modern particle physics. As the heaviest particles of the Standard Model of particle physics (SM), they are crucial in many phenomenological applications. Their large mass relates them tightly to various other components of the SM. Examples of importance are parameters of the electroweak sector, which are influenced by corrections originating from top-quark loops. This property enables essential consistency checks of the SM itself. For such checks, precisely known parameters estimated from measurements at colliders like the LHC are crucial. By carefully comparing data and theoretical predictions, parameters of the theory, e.g. the top-quark mass, can be extracted.

To do so, accurate predictions in perturbation theory are necessary. Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD) describe the strong interaction between coloured particles and most of the dynamics of top quarks produced in high energy collisions of hadronic bound states. State-of-the-art calculations evaluate the partonic cross section at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO). Thus, perturbative QCD is used to obtain predictions of fully inclusive or differential cross sections of top quarks, which show excellent agreement with the measurements, while minor uncertainties on the theoretical and experimental side allow for precise parameter extractions. These measurements rely on well-understood modelling of the top quarks in hard scattering processes.

A remarkable feature of top quarks is their short lifetime, below even the typical hadronisation time of coloured particles. Top-quark decays thus present a unique opportunity for studying a bare quark. The central goal of this work is to include the decay in the evaluation of top-quark pair production through NNLO in QCD. The narrow-width approximation (NWA) reduces the computational burden by factorising production and decay. It is possible to keep information about the polarisation state of the top quarks, which affects the decay through the computation of polarised amplitudes.

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