Two-to-three processes
Higher orders for higher multiplicity cross-sections
Multi-jet and photon production are a staple of Standard Model phenomenology at the Large Hadron Collider. As more and more data is collected at the Large Hadron Collider and experimental analysis techniques improve, measuring higher multiplicity processes, for example, three-jet production, with higher precision, is possible. Indeed, the experimental precision for many processes with three or more identified objects is already much higher than that of NLO QCD predictions, which are the 'industry standard'. NNLO QCD predictions are often needed to reach experimental precision and to describe the data accurately and theoretically. These processes offer many phenomenological applications, such as extracting the strong coupling constant, improving background estimates, and extracting photon fragmentation functions.
Computing the higher-order corrections for these processes is an enormous challenge and one of the edges of precision phenomenology. The demands on the efficiency and stability of the numerical computations are high. The STRIPPER framework has been used to compute all massless two-to-three production processes at the LHC:
- Three-photon
- Photon-pair plus jet
- Photon plus jet pair
- Three-jet
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