Dr Krzysztof Kutak

Instytut Fizyki Jadrowej Polskiej Akademii Nauk

ul. Radzikowskiego 152
31-342 Kraków
Intrests | Publications | Grants | Research team | CV | Contact | Lectures


  1. Numerical solution of the integral form of the resumed Balitsky-Kovchegov equation.
    Krzysztof Kutak, Wieslaw Placzek, Dawid Toton.
    Acta Physica Polonica B, Vol. 44 (2013), 1527

  2. A new Monte Carlo study of evolution equation with coherence.
    S. Jadach, K. Kutak, M. Slawinska.
    Phys. Lett.B 722 (2013)

  3. Resummation in nonlinear equation for high energy factorizable gluon density and its extension to include coherence.
    Krzysztof Kutak.
    JHEP 12(2012)033

  4. Multi-gluon helicity amplitudes with one off-shell leg within high energy factorization.
    Andreas van Hameren, Piotr Kotko, Krzysztof Kutak.
    JHEP 12(2012)029