Department of Particle Physics (NZ42)


2020-2025 - Sonata Bis

QCD ex-Machina: novel approach to solving problems in Quantum Chromo Dynamical Field Theory
Principal Investigator: dr hab. Andrzej Siódmok

2018-2022 - STRONG 2020

European Union’s Horizon 2020. High Energy FrontierExternal Link
Leader at IFJ PAN: dr hab. Krzysztof Kutak.

<spoiler|2020> Papers * M. Bury, A. van Hameren, P. Kotko, K. Kutak
“Forward trijet production in p-p and p-Pb collisions at LHC”
Published in JHEP 09 (2020) 175

2018-2021 - Opus 14

Chromodynamika kwantowa a podłużna i poprzeczna struktura materii kwarkowo-gluonowej

Principal Investigator: dr hab. Krzysztof Kutak. The NCN founded project addresses study of properties of final and initial state of high energu collisions. Namely the physics of gluon saturation and physics of quark gluon plasma. As a probe of these dense systems hard probes like jets and electroweak bozons are used.

<spoiler|2019> Papers


2019-2020 - Miniatura 2

Nowe metody wyznaczania niepewności funkcji rozkładów partonów w jądrach atomowych

Principal Investigator: dr Aleksander Kusina

2018-2021 - Opus 14

Highest precision predictions in Quantum Chromodynamics for the LHC

Principal Investigator: dr hab. Sebastian Sapeta

2017-2020 - Opus 12

Nowa analiza potencjału badawczego przyszłych zderzaczy elektron-pozyton

Principal Investigator: prof. dr hab. Stanisław Jadach

2017-2019 - Sonata 12

Colourful precision for the Large Hadron Collider

Principal Investigator: dr Andrzej Siódmok

2016-2018 - Polonez 1

Higgs boson production at highest precision in Quantum Chromodynamics

Principal Investigator: dr hab. Sebastian Sapeta
Dedicated website:



2017 - Sonata Bis

Quantum chromodynamics of dense partonic systems and high momentum transfers at Large Hadron Collider - theory and phenomenology

Project leader: dr hab. Krzysztof Kutak
Realization period 2014-10-01 – 2017-09-30

<spoiler|2017> Papers

Published in JHEP 1702 (2017) 009

<spoiler|2016> Papers


2014 - Lider

Rozkłady partonowe i twarde elementy macierzowe - sformułowanie i aplikacja do procesów w Large Hadron Collider

Project leader: dr hab. Krzysztof Kutak
Realization period: 2011-10-01 – 2014-09-30

<spoiler|2012> Papers


</spoiler> <spoiler|2011> Papers


2014 - Homing Plus

Matrix Elements and Exclusive Parton Densities for Large Hadron Collider

Project leader: dr hab. Krzysztof Kutak
Realization period: 2011-10-01 – 2014-09-30

<spoiler|2012> Papers


</spoiler> <spoiler|2011> Papers

